Apple place order for 10 million iphone 5

Author: Admin // Category: ,
thumbs up man small.279204430 std thumb Apple place order for 10 million iphone 5 goodjobredribbon1 thumb Apple place order for 10 million iphone 5

Apple mackintosh appears to be very confident about its upcoming launch of the iphone 5 by pre ordering twelve million units to ensure they can meet demand. With sales for the apple iphone 4 hitting 5 million Apple mackintosh must be very confident by doubling their initial order. We are anticipating a summer 2011 launch for the new iphone which should include a faster processor, full touchscreen and NFC technology.
Pegatron, who make the iphone on behalf of Apple mackintosh have stopped all staff holiday and tripled wages during the period to ensure they can meet the deadline, lets hope they don’t let us down! We’ll be bringing you a full detailed apple iphone 5 review as and when we get more details and exactly what will be changing from the previous version.
Bring on the iphone 5, can’t wait!

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